Blessings In The Mess….

Let me tell you about the day I had yesterday…You know the kind…

It started out pretty wonderful actually…morning devotions and prayer, accomplishing some housework, answering calls in our office, the usual stuff…then it was time to head to a friend’s house for lunch…What a treat!   After a delicious meal and some great conversation, my sweet friend heads over to the fridge and starts digging around in there, as if she’d lost something.  Next thing I know, she pulls out a fully cooked turkey with dressing, a tray of lasagne(yes, already cooked too!), fresh fruit and a package of Bagel Bites…  So she calls me over and says, “here Doris, please take this home with you…I’ll never eat it all and don’t want to wind up throwing it away..”   Her family had been in town for a couple of days, and she had leftovers galore…Yay, no cooking for me for the next few nights!   Thank you for that big blessing Lord!  I’d have to say things were going pretty well at this point…

So what happened?  Well, I’m not quite sure…all I know is that after loading a turkey into the car, my day began rolling downhill…fast… I’m certainly not trying to blame the turkey, poor little guy obviously had a bad day himself not too long ago..  So what in the world was going on? I had no clue…Nothing earth shattering mind you, just a series of unfortunate happenings, culminating into a melt-down-cry-fest…I thought of the plaque that I have in my office ‘A Day Hemmed In Prayer Never Unravels’…Hmmm…  I felt as if someone had taken hold of that little piece of thread hanging from the hem, and ran with it…

Then something amazing happened….The Lord spoke to my heart and reminded me that He had made this day, and to rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24)!   About that time, my husband came walking through the door with two beautiful roses he had picked for me….and as I served up the turkey dinner that God had provided (just had to heat it up!), my spirit began to rejoice in all of the blessings of the day…The ones I had almost forgotten because I was allowing the negative to overshadow them…Thank you Lord, for all of your blessings, even on the days when my world gets a little messy…

Lesson learned Lord…lesson learned..


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