What’s the first thing a mom says when her child is hurt?
“Come here, let Mommy see. We’ll put a nice band-aid on it.”
Tears streaming down, they run into our arms; we draw them near. We stop the bleeding, kiss the boo-boo, and bandage the wound.
As women, we want to be the band-aid, don’t we? But we’ve got that all wrong.
The band-aid doesn’t comfort the child, but rather the loving words and open arms inviting them to draw near comforts them.
We are not called to be the band-aid, we are called to be the loving arms of safety.
You see, there are times when our arms of safety protect against the hurt, and other times our arms of safety are there to comfort after the hurt. Sound familiar?
God may prevent our hurt, or He may allow it. He invites us to draw near to Him, and He promises to draw near to us. We can run into His loving arms of safety; not only when we are hurting, but always.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, and that my friend, is better than a band-aid.
What an encouraging reminder, Doris. WIth 3 kids, it seems that it is more efficient to fix things than to comfort in the way they need it. I know I am guilty of this with all of my relationships. I want my kids to know how to love on others and it starts with me. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for your comments Kasey. I’ve been guilty of this as well!