Faith Test

I read a friend’s blog today and could really relate to the words on the screen..She was talking about the struggle we experience with worry/peace, worry/peace. It’s sometimes hard to delete that “worry”.  It would be nice if we could just hit the backspace button and wipe it right off the pages of our mind.. ..I know through faith that God’s word promises us that He will meet ALL our need..His word tells us “fear not” and “do not worry” and that we are to have peace through the storms of life.  I really truly believe this, so why do I feel sometimes like I am trying to talk myself into it?  I guess it’s more like reminding myself that I do believe and I do have faith.. When worry and fear start to creep in, I remind myself that I am a child of God and I am not supposed to give-in to worry and fear.  Any trials that I/we have been through, emphasis on “been through”..I/we have come through through it…and are still standing, praise God.  I think waiting is the tough part since we tend to want everything “now” or better yet, “right now”..I’ve come to realize that “my now” isn’t “God’s now”.  So for now I must stand in faith and always be ready …Subject to change-life as we know it…


  1. Doris

    Thanks Michelle…I was thinking you would find the beginning of the piece quite familiar 🙂 I love reading your blogs, and yes, you sure have lived the title of my blog lately!

  2. Michelle

    Life really is subject to change 😀 So glad I have Jesus with me in all these changes. Nice post, good reminder for me.

  3. Doris

    Thank you “Superhero Mom”! I love you too, and I so enjoy reading your blog posts…thank you for your comment Lisa..It's so wonderful that the Lord knows our hearts and will give the same word to some of us for confirmation and encouragement..

  4. Superhero Mom

    Great post..I've been on that same topic with the Lord. He is my supply! Love you Doris and love when you write!

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