Photo by Seemi Samuel on Unsplash
Isn’t it crazy beautiful, how God uses people like us to disciple other people?
Has it been a scary thought for you?
I was a banker for almost thirty years. My first day was in April 1981, and since it was spring, I guess you could have called me a spring chicken. I had no clue about banking or running a teller drawer. However, I did know a thing or two about money. I didn’t have any.
So what better job to make money, than to have a job being accountable for it?
I have to say, my drawer didn’t always balance – that perfect balance between what you take in and what you give back. But nobody else was perfect either, and that was perfectly acceptable.
I was trained at it, became good at it, then trained others to be good at it. And it wasn’t all about the money, it was more about the people.
One thing is for sure, you never take a newbie and throw them out on their own without any training.
So how did this training work?
Newbies were required to:
- Read the Operations Training Manual
- Observe a seasoned worker doing the work for a season
- Work alongside a seasoned worker
- Work while a seasoned worker observed and coached you
- Become a seasoned worker through continual learning and doing
- Be the seasoned worker who trains the newbie
Do you see the established pattern here? Sound a bit familiar?
This is the process for discipleship.
You see, not only does the trainee see you doing things well they also see when you’re doing things not-so-well. Often times they learn more by observing how we handle that not-so-well stuff, cause let’s be real, anyone can handle the well stuff.
In the olden days, when a teller didn’t balance the entire team stayed to help them find and correct their mistakes.
Hey church, let’s do that too.
So see, discipleship isn’t so scary now is it?
We don’t have to be perfect, we just have to be willing.
I’m pretty certain by now you’ve realized our Operations Training Manual is the Bible.
God’s word, God Breathed. Here you go:
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 NASB
And want to hear something cool? This is the memory verse for our church this week. Good stuff.
It’s like this:
You don’t expect an infant to drive a car, right? I know many of you have no doubt your infant child is a genius, but even if they could read the manual, they still couldn’t reach the pedals.
Discipleship is helping others grow until they can reach the pedals. Then they too can drive discipleship.
Here’s some discipleship driving tips:
- Discipleship is all about being like Jesus. Being like the feet-washing, teaching, training, praying Jesus. He founded the program. He could have done it all Himself, but He didn’t. That’s where we come in.
- Discipleship is not only telling others to study the manual, but studying it with them, and showing them how to apply it.
- Discipleship is not about being perfect, but about being real. How do we deal with the real?
- Discipleship is about relationship, imitation, and communication
- Discipleship is about watch me do it so you will know, then I’ll help you do it so we both grow
- Discipleship is sowing seeds into someone’s life, then allowing the Holy Spirit to bloom it
- Discipleship is helping others balance; how much to take in, and how much to give back
- Discipleship is knowing when it’s time to reap the harvest, so the fruit can multiply
- Discipleship is how we drive the gospel, and we can’t lose sight of that
Pray for opportunities to disciple ~
He has the plans, and we are the hands. tweet
They may be a peer, but don’t overlook the importance of sowing into the next generation. Titus 2 has much to say about that subject.
And a newbie?
That’s a new believer, and new believers need seasoned disciples to see how this is all supposed to work.
Another important point. Newbies aren’t the only ones.
There are plenty of Christians who need a little guidance, on how this is all supposed to work.
Maybe that’s you, and that’s ok. You don’t have to be a newbie to be discipled. No shame in that, just gain in that-make it a goal. Find yourself a good disciple-maker. You probably already know one.
God may not advertise in the want ads, but He has plenty of discipleship jobs available.
He is calling us to fill those positions, and the pay scale?
More than we could ask or imagine.
How has God used you to disciple?
Thanks for the Excellent description of discipleship
Thanks for taking time to read and comment, Dave!
love your blog site and your post, Doris!
Thank you for stopping by Susan! Your comment blessed me, and glad you loved it.