Free Medicine and a Visit with Mary

In need of healing today?

A merry heart does good like medicine. God’s natural goodness for healing up those hurts and making life sweeter.

The second part of the verse says a broken spirit dries the bones. I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking dried up bones aren’t in God’s plans for us.

So laugh.

Laugh at yourself, laugh through tears, just plain laugh. It truly does have medicinal benefits, so let the joy bubble up.

And we don’t have to be physicians to disperse this medication, so share a laugh with a friend.

Just another blessing from our Great Physician, who brings healing to broken spirits, and joy for the journey.

Speaking of healing and joy for the journey…

Join me right here on Walking Deeper tomorrow, as I interview author Mary DeMuth.

As a child, Mary experienced sexual abuse and abandonment, but her whole life changed when she met Jesus.

She’ll share answers regarding abuse, her books, and what it means to live a life uncaged.

Here is a quote from her testimony:

“I was powerless, despised, counted as nothing and unimportant. But God saw differently. He rescued me. He knew that scared little girl would someday grow up and tell her story of redemption.”

You can read her testimony in its entirety here.

See you tomorrow, as we give Mary a warm Walking Deeper welcome!


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