I’m a faker-baker.
You too?
I buy cake mixes in colorful packages, add oil, eggs, and poof, oven-ready batter.
Cookies? Same thing. I’m usually buying what the dough-boy is selling.
I used to feel inadequate for my lack of skills in the from-scratch department. It felt like a cheater, like that woman in the commercial dousing herself in flour, as if. Oh, the guilt of depriving my family of the infamous Proverbs 31 woman. I’m sure she baked from scratch.
Truth is, I don’t love baking, I don’t even like it. Is it okay to say that out loud? Aren’t women supposed to bake scrumptious delights?

Kari Shea on Unsplash
Maybe you have mad baking skills but you struggle in other areas, like parenting, gardening, balancing work and home, putting together an outfit minus the sweats…
Before we pull a muscle reaching for that bar we’ve raised too high (way too high) let’s remember, we are more than adequate in Christ. His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness. I’m not sure if that refers to baking or gardening, but no matter what, His grace is sufficient.
Aren’t we glad our worth isn’t measured by crafts, skills, or whether we’re first or last in the parent-pick-up line?
It’s okay if we bake cakes from colorful boxes. Do what brings joy.
We don’t need to pretend we’re someone we are not. Let’s just be us. Let’s use the gifts we’ve been given. A less-stressed us will bless our family and friends.
Speaking of friends, how about those friends who seem to have it all together? We know comparison is the thief of joy, so instead of comparing ourselves to others let’s do this:
Let’s compare our old self to our new self.
Let’s be thankful for how far we’ve come and how much we’ve grown. For me, it may not show in my baking skills but rather in what I’ve learned.
Baking the easy way doesn’t make me less of a woman and my family still loves what comes out of my oven.

Ben White on Unsplash
I have gifts, you have gifts. Praise God they are not all the same. How boring would that be?
God is faithful and we’re a work-in-progress. I’m so glad growth isn’t measured in sugar cookies.
How about you? Have you struggled with feeling less-than too? There is hope…
Sister, when we start feeling those feelings rise up, let’s shut off the oven and let them fall flat.
I’m peeling off the label I plastered across on my own forehead. I’m not a faker-baker.
I’m a God’s girl who doesn’t love baking and that’s okay.
What label will you peel off today?
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV
Can I give you a gift, friend? Download my free ebook, Step Out of Your Doubt and Into Your Calling: Walking in God’s Plans for Your Life. Just scroll down to the form below, enter your email, and I’ll send it to you.
Blessings of Peace & Joy,
It is so freeing to be who we were created to be! Not just for us, but it gives others permission to be who they are, too! When we try to do it all, we lose the sense of community that comes from needing the skills of others to support us. I’m a boxed browning and ready-to-bake cookie dough girl, too!! Blessings, xo!
Thanks, Liz! Amen! So true how we need each other in community. Glad to hear we have the same baking skills! 😉 Blessings, and thanks for taking time to read and comment, friend 🙂
This is fantastic! Also your title made me laugh, love it. This part was my favorite: “We don’t need to pretend we’re someone we are not. Let’s just be us. Let’s use the true gifts we’ve been given. A less-stressed us will bless our family and friends.” How true is that! Perfection is such a real pressure in our world, I find that there can be a special perfection pressure in the blog world too that’s hard to let go of.
Thank you for stopping by and for your comments, Kelsey! I agree, lots of pressure in the blog world. There are so many blogs and emphasis on followers and platform. When we’re called to write, even if we touch one heart with hope, we’ve done what we’ve been called to do. Surrendering our writing ministry to God brings such freedom. Let’s just be us 🙂 Blessings to you, friend! Keep writing and be encouraged that God began a good work in you, and He is faithful to complete it! Happy Easter 🙂