Can we be real? Emotions are messy, friends.
We collectively spend an exorbitant amount of time struggling with feelings and emotions. One day we’re good, we’re getting it done. The next day we’re a blubbering mess. We don’t plan it that way and it often takes us by surprise.
We say things like, “Where did that come from?” and “Wow, what is wrong with me today?”. We blame it on hormones, lack of sleep, disappointments, mean people…
I do it too, so believe me, I know.
Am I Making It All About Me?
Absolutely true, there are physical and medical reasons for emotional melt-downs. We live in these mortal bodies and they’re not perfect. But wouldn’t you agree, a good number of emotional melt-downs are the it’s all about me kind? The I, the self? Maybe we find it hard to readily admit the truth behind the messiness.
Photography is not my gift. I have no talent for capturing candid shots. Half the time even my cell tells me I “cannot take photo”. I know it’s nothing personal, my storage is full or some such ridiculous reason, but after a while, it could give a girl a complex.
You know what’s scary?
That feature on the cell camera that flips you from focusing outward to seeing your selfie self. I don’t know about you, but it startles me. Can you relate?
Even though I have zero interest in becoming a photographer, there are cool life lessons we uncover when we expand our horizons.
Here’s an interesting fact:
When attempting night photography auto-focus will not work, there’s not enough light. So what do you do? You adjust the focusing ring to align with infinity. I have no idea what this means in photography world, but in every-day world, it makes complete sense.
While I might associate infinity with Buzz Lightyear (simmer down auto-correct, it’s Buzz’s last name) or mathematics, it brings to mind another “nity” word:
Adjusting our Focus
When we rely on auto-focus and allow our emotions to run on auto-pilot, a hot mess ensues. When we adjust our focus to align with eternal things, light flows in and we reflect it.
It’s no surprise auto in the Greek means self.
True, we need to self-reflect and keep ourselves in check. The whole plank out of our own eye and love your neighbor as yourself. But the cautionary tale is this:
Another great thing about photography, it’s not about the selfie, it’s about looking outward. It’s about looking beyond self and seeing things in a new way.
What or whom are we focusing on?
Life can have us going in all different directions. We’re not necessarily distracted by evil things, sinful things, but even good things and pleasant things.
Even those good and pleasant things can draw our eyes away from Jesus. It can be subtle, and isn’t that more dangerous than obvious?
Jesus came so we could have life and life more abundantly, but not at the cost of losing sight of Him.
But we’re talking about emotions here. I began writing this post a week ago, and after a blubbering-mess-melt-down, decided today was a good day to finish it. Once I took my eyes off the distraction and placed my focus back on the goodness of the Lord, the waterworks dried up and I’m good. Been there?
Light Up the World
When we feel disconnected and distracted by emotions, remember Jesus said this…
“‘…I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'” Matthew 28:20
When we allow our day to be ruined by emotions, we’ll miss opportunities to be a light to someone else’s lens.
Let the light in. Reflect the light out. Be the light. Let’s light up the world togehter.
God will help us, this He has promised. Don’t be afraid to ask for the help He so generously and mercifully gives.
You are not alone. Ever.
When we focus on the Lord, our emotions transform from a blubbering mess to a joyful message.
So instead of allowing our emotions to get the best of us, let’s show the world the best of us is Jesus.
Be blessed.