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Have you ever stumbled over your words when sharing your faith? Ever wish you could remember just the right Bible verses to point a friend to?
I sure have…
That’s why I created Simple Tips for Sharing Your Faith–a handy resource that can be used as a guide when sharing the gospel. This 2-page pdf resource offers simple tips for having those faith conversations, including a 4-step guide that lays out the gospel message with applicable scriptures.
Want a copy?
I’ll share how you can grab it at the end of this post…
We girls encounter people of all walks of faith and life every day, don’t we?
I had the opportunity to take a class in world religions, and you know what I found?
There is a smorgasbord of belief systems in the world and almost all are based on either being good enough, working hard enough, or being strong enough. Do you know people who could use a little grace? A risen Savior? Because without Jesus, all that striving is for naught.
People are believing the lie that everything hinges on their own strength, and they spend their entire lives striving so they won’t fail. But they will.
It’s a losing battle–you know why?
Because we were all born with a sinful nature and we could never be good enough on our own. We could never work hard enough or be strong enough to save ourselves.
Jesus makes us worthy. We are sanctified, made clean, and reconciled to God because of His sacrifice. It’s nothing we could ever do on our own. Thank God, right?
We know it, and we’re called to tell it.
Can I share something with you? I used to feel intimidated and overwhelmed by the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). I wonder if you can relate to that, too.
I used to walk into grocery stores or doctor’s offices or you-name-it public places burdened by the thought of whether that lady is saved, or that man is saved, or that child is saved. That is a wonderful place to be where our hearts break for the lost, but not to the point of feeling anxious and burdened for the wrong reasons. What do I mean?
I believed in order to be a good enough Christian, I needed to check off a box by initiating an encounter with every single person within a 50 ft. radius.
But you know what?
It’s not our job to save everybody–it’s not even our job to save anybody. It’s the Lord who changes hearts and leads us to just the right people. Our job is to pray, share the truth of the gospel, and tell our story of how we met Jesus and how He changed us.
We have been empowered by the Spirit to share the truth, but at times we forget how powerful that power really is.
While we’re on the subject of empowerment, remember this:
If we truly grasped that the same power that rose Jesus from the dead indwells in us, how would that change the way we live every day? When we are in Christ, we’ve been empowered with amazing supernatural Holy Spirit power.
His power works in and through us when we are willing, and He leads us into divine encounters and faith conversations.
If we were expected to have a faith conversation with the entire world, well, we wouldn’t need the entire church. Right?
When we trust God to direct our steps, He will tell us whose cart to run into at the grocery store (okay, maybe not literally), who needs a phone call today, or in which direction we should go, amen?
Below is the link to that resource I was talking about earlier, Simple Tips for Sharing Your Faith. You can download it for free and carry it with you in your purse or Bible.
Could you do me a favor, friend? Could you share this post with at least two or three of your friends so they can grab the resource, too? You could also copy and paste the link below in an email or Facebook message.
Here’s the link, so just click on it and you’ll be taken to where you can download Simple Tips for Sharing Your Faith. I hope it blesses you! If so, I’d love to hear from you.
May the Lord continue to abundantly bless you as you share truth and speak life.
Love In Him,
What a powerful post Doris. I’m heading over to download this great resource!
Thank you, Valerie! You are such an encourager and glad you enjoyed the post. I tried following your blog but not sure if the link worked. I’ll try again if I don’t receive an email confirmation. Blessings, friend!