Food and I have a rocky relationship.
But I know deep down, it’s not about the food…
I recently participated in a slow-carb diet and you know what?
It wasn’t awful.
I said no to pizza, bread, cake–all the palate-pleasing lusciousness that usually makes my tastebuds do a happy dance.
I admit, at first it was tough going. But how cool is it that when we detox our bodies they crave what is good?
We all face temptations in life and what tempts me isn’t necessarily what would trip you up. While we may not always trip, we need to be aware of how far we could fall.
Jesus Understands
The enemy is cunning and temptation is his M.O. When the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness Satan tempted Him in the same ways he temps us: Lust of the flesh, human pride, and lust of eyes.
In Matthew 4, we learn Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. After that, He was hungry. The enemy didn’t tempt Jesus on day-one, he waited. He waited until Jesus was good and hungry.
Temptations are magnified and most enticing when our flesh is weak and our spirit is dry. They come sniffing around when we are vulnerable–when we’re tired and hungry and we slip off our armor and lower our Sword.
But we don’t have to give in.
Flattery is Pride’s Ugly Stepsister
The enemy wears us down by puffing us up. He flatters us for his own selfish motives.
He whispers we should have what we desire, and we deserve what we desire, and we could have so much more if we’d just give in to him. He stirs up trouble and causes division and tells us that person who wronged us doesn’t deserve to be forgiven.
He makes it sound easy because he makes it about us. But the truth is this: It may seem easy giving in, but it’s never easy getting out. Once we give in to temptation we’re entangled in sin.
Like when we get angry and say things we shouldn’t, or eat three donuts, or take just one more drink, or talk smack about that person who hurt us…
When guilt and shame and pain set in, our focus turns inward and we wish we hadn’t and we feel defeated.
And that is right where the enemy wants us–wallowing in the agony of defeat. Because when a God’s girl feels defeated, she just might retreat from the front line and duck into the shadows where her light stays hidden.
But the enemy seems to forget one important detail–even when a God’s girl falls in a moment of weakness, she won’t stay down.
Because greater is He who is in her, than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
And God forgives and here’s the good news–when we wait on God and trust Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts we never even knew we wanted. Those desires that line up with His plans for us.
And God’s motives are always pure and for our good.
The Truth Behind the Struggle
So what is it about these temptations that trip us up?
It’s about the connection to our emotions.
My connection to food is not just to sustain me, it’s tied to my roller coaster emotions. Can you relate? Good and bad experiences. Happy and sad experiences.
But our emotions are not the boss of us.
In my defense, food is a huge part of my culture. Lasagna, anyone? Jesus gets that, too. His culture was all about feasts and celebrations.
And food isn’t sinful until it becomes an idol–because temptation isn’t sin until we act on it.
And when temptation threatens to derail my healthy food choices, I know where to run and it’s not to the pantry. I can run into a Strong Tower and be safe. I can call on the name of the Lord.
You can, too…

Choosing Best is Choosing God First
When we choose God first, temptations won't last. Share on XIn one of six experiments into how the idea of God influences behavior, participants ate fewer cookies after reading a short passage about God than those who read an unrelated passage. –
Polly Campbell from the article Thinking Doesn’t Ease Temptation, but God Might, Psychology today.
This is a secular publication, so where the title states, God might, we can substitute that with, God can. Amen?
Craving What is Good
The Holy Spirit is in us and He will help us. We just need to ask. Our best defense against temptation is to walk in tune with the Spirit and engage in healthy spiritual habits. We can choose the right path.
Just as we can detox our bodies, we can avoid those things that are toxic to our souls. Healthy habits lead to a healthier life and holy habits lead to a holier life.
We can find freedom in allowing the Spirit to lead us. Let’s detox our souls from worldly toxins so our souls will crave what is good.
Life’s distractions and temptations can pull us in all directions like taffy, but we aren’t a slave to those things. We have been set free.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash
Pray for Deliverance from Temptation
We can’t resist temptation without God’s help. That’s why when Jesus taught us how to pray He included:
“…and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”
Matthew 6:13 NASB
Other Bible versions say, “…deliver us from the evil one.”
Friends, there is an evil one. One of his famous lies is that he doesn’t exist. If Jesus said it, it’s solid-gold truth. God never tempts us to sin, but we can pray to be led away from harm’s way.
And you know what else? We need godly friends. We need friends who speak loving truth into our lives.
We need friends who will pray for us in a moments notice or without any notice at all.
We all need friends like that, but we also need to be a friend like that. No pressure or unreal expectations here–just follow Jesus’ example.
Because We Love God More
Here’s more great news:
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
God is for us, friend. We are never alone, even when it feels that way.
I don’t have to eat kale at every meal and I can eat pizza now and then, and although this Italian girl loves food, I love God more.
So when temptations entice we can follow the Spirit in the opposite direction. We can walk away because we love God more.
Awareness of our own areas of temptation is key. We know what draws us in then laughs at us when guilt rings the doorbell.
Whatever you struggle with, friend, we were already set free from it. There truly is power in the Name of Jesus and He sent us the Comforter to steer us in the right direction.
Grasp that truth and let’s be healthy together.
One more thing about healthy…
Healthy relationships are vital to us and pleasing to God, including the mother/daughter relationship. I’ve got a special treat lined up for you on Friday!
I’ll be welcoming Literary Agent, Blythe Daniel and her mom, Dr. Helen McIntosh to the blog. I know you’ll be blessed. So good. Be sure to show them some love.
I’ll be giving away a free copy of their new book, Mended, so leave a comment on Friday’s post and you’ll be included in the drawing.
Love & Peace to you,
Need a little encouragement? Check out this e-book Step Out of Your Doubt and into Your Calling. God wants to use you for His glory and the world needs your gifts, friend…

Thank you for speaking to me it has been a real struggle for me lately and I am so glad to receive this blessing. Thank you so much. For God’s glory
Abundant blessings to in the Lord, my sister. God sees every struggle and He knows the outcome. He will work it all together for your good, faithful daughter.
I really appreciate the truth you’re bringing to light here, Doris! I tend to turn to food for emotional reasons as well, and the reminder to turn to what I’m really craving is what I needed to remember this morning! Thank you for sharing your heart and experience here!
Hi Stacey! So glad the post blessed you. Thank you for sharing how you are also an emotional eater. I appreciate your taking time to read and share your thoughts. Blessings to you as we run into our Strong Tower together, friend! Thinking God can help us with the “one and done” concept. Like pizza for example. I could eat pizza morning, noon, and night (has to be NY style since this Florida girl is from NJ lol). Instead of packing in three slices, I’m going to ask God to help me not necessarily give up pizza, but to say “one and done.” One slice of pizza and more of Jesus. Praise God!
Thank you for speaking loving truth into my life! This week I didn’t buy any sweets thinking I can’t eat it if it’s not in my pantry but then my niece made brownies last night! Lol
Thank you for speaking loving truth into mine! Oh my goodness, brownies sound awesome lol. That is a great strategy leaving the sweets at the store 🙂 Thank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate you!