“We’re not buying anything, no matter what they say.” I’m not sure which one of us said it, but that was the plan. Stop in, take a quick timeshare tour, pick up our free gift, then take our son Michael to a movie.
Poor Michael. He never got to see that movie.
Although Brian and I went in with a plan, we forgot to put on that part of our armor that protects against the fiery darts of a sales pitch.
Just say no was our mantra. Until they dangled that one carrot…
A trip to Mexico.
A hundred-times no and one yes later, we were signing on the dotted lines and holding a voucher for our trip. And yes, we were also the not-so-proud owners of a timeshare week.
The only problem was my fear of flying–but I was willing to do it afraid.
Plus, we didn’t have a clue I would be pregnant with our second child by the time our plane left the runway.
Besides the baby-queazy tummy tumbles, that intense fear of flying rose up as I boarded the flight. I mean, how does a huge hunk of metal stay in the sky? For hours?
Arriving safely and finally relaxing on the beach, my beach-ball belly and I sat back, watching Brian parasailing across the sky. As he climbed higher, I felt proud of him for being so brave.
Better him than me–I was glad to be safe on the ground.
Then I remembered something…
To get back home, I’d have to board another plane. What if I just stayed in Mexico, like, forever?
Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, but I chalked it up to the sweltering Mexican sun. I put all thoughts of anything plane out of my head and was determined to enjoy the rest of our vacation.
We had a great time and of course, we arrived back home safely.
Time For Me to Fly, Again…
Years later, for our 28th anniversary, a friend blessed us with a trip to the Bahamas. Here we go again, another trip by plane.
But something was different this time. Sitting on that plane, tears flowed, but they weren’t tears of fear, they were tears of joy.
At that moment, fear fled because I realized it wasn’t about going to the Bahamas that so touched me, it was the realization that serving God would involve Him sending me places.
By plane.

A year later I was flying to inner-city Detroit to minister to women in a transitional shelter. As the leader of our Women’s Ministry, the Adult Ministries Pastor approached me and suggested the trip. I jumped at the chance to go with these lovelies–and to fly with God in His adventurous plans.
Doing things afraid is good, but doing things no longer afraid is better. Share on XLet Go of Fear and Let Your Dreams Take Flight
In June of 2016, I had lunch with my grandson and his Aunt Phyllis. That day she had a word from the Lord for me. She said, “Spread your wings and take flight.” Stunned, I thanked her for sharing what He had placed on her heart, and I wrote it down.
Two months later, I attended the TRIBE Conference in Tennessee, although Brian drove me there, it felt like flying. Dreams have a way of lifting your feet off the ground.
While at the conference, I bought this…

Two years later, I went back to that conference. This time, I flew for the first time on my own.
Then I flew again in 2019 to an event in Michigan, led by Chad Allen, to work side-by-side with friends on our book proposals.
My writing is a dream and a calling. In order to fulfill God’s plans for my life and walk in His will, I need to go where He leads. He’ll help me get there. He’ll help you get there too, wherever your there is.
A Fierce Calling takes fierce trust, fierce faith, and fierce courage.
How did I overcome my fear of flying?
I changed my focus from mistrusting in a hunk of metal in the sky to trusting in the One who wants to send me somewhere.
What Fear is Holding You Back?
When we drop our fear we can take flight and do what God is calling us to do. He’s our pilot but we must be willing to go where He leads.
Being afraid is a normal emotion, but what do we do with it?
When I am afraid,
I will trust in You.
In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?Psalm 56:3-4
Maybe you fly all the time, for work or leisure, and do just fine. Fear comes in different forms, but no matter the fear you battle, the battle is already won.
Jesus has the battle scars to prove it.
Call to Action
- Choose to trust God with your fear
- Name your fear and surrender it to God, today.
- When you feel that fear coming back, fight it off with your Sword of the Spirit–the word of God
I’ve Gathered some Fear-Fighting Verses for You…
Would you love a list of fear-fighting scriptures you can print and keep handy?
Grab them here…