Just five short years ago, Nancy suffered from clinical depression and anxiety. Even getting out of bed was a challenge.
She asked questions like, “Where are you, God? How can I hear your voice?”
Have you ever asked those questions?
What would life be like if you could hear God’s whispers of love to you?
You can.
God wants to engage in conversation with us. He wants us to cultivate intimacy with Him.
God’s Hand is Upon You
God sees you and He sees me. We’re not just a spec on a planet spinning our wheels, hoping our haphazard attempts at flinging something real will stick.
We have a lot to offer because God has entrusted us with a lot to give. God’s hand is upon you and me and He will help us work together.
The hand of God was also on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king and the princes commanded by the word of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 30:12 ESV
Just when we think those I-give-up thoughts are all our brain is capable of, God flips the script. He sends us a friend to encourage us or delivers an encouraging word via email or even through our Facebook newsfeed.
And God gives us one heart for His mission here on earth. One heart, assorted giftings, and many members.
All a part of one body–His bride–the church.
Even when life seems like that gum stuck under our shoe, He has something good waiting for us just around the corner. And we are on this journey together.
Just keep walking because you never walk alone. Even those baby steps have purpose.
What Are You Passionate About?
You’re passionate about something, friend, I know you are–and that is a clue for your next step.
And if your passion has lost its zeal? Pray that God gives it back to you.
In some seasons being passionate about something simply means taking the next breath — the next step.
In other seasons, we find clarity in what God is calling us to do through our passion, compassion, and conviction.
When God opens our eyes to see hard things, it softens our hearts in all the right places. It ignites our passion and compassion, and we are convicted to take action. Share on XWe may not even know what that action is at first.
Then suddenly we see it.
Walking forward down that hallway of waiting, we’re drawn to the door at the end, cracked ever-so-slightly, allowing just enough light to draw us in.
We can walk through that door in confidence, knowing God will equip us as we go. Our calling can change with the season we are in, but no matter what we are called to do, it will always take some kind of action.
A Spark in the Dark
Do you choose a meaningful word each year for intentionality and focus?
I choose a word if I feel led by God to do so. In the past, I’ve chosen words like fierce and bloom. The words were apropos for the year and timing.
My word for this year is spark. We know a fire starts with just a spark and we can be the change. That phrase should never be trite to us. We can use our gifts to impact the world and it starts with just a tiny spark.
A vision, a dream, a call to action.
The world can be a dark place but we are His light–we are that spark in the dark that others can see. When God sparks something in us–He sends us out and draws us in.

A spark in the dark can look like a conversation, sharing your grace story, a meal to a friend, a card or gift, your time. Whatever makes a difference in someone’s life.
That’s your spark, friend.
A seed planted and a life impacted with the hope of Christ in you–the hope of glory.
Besides spark being my word for this year, here’s why it is so apropos once again!
God’s timing is always on time.
I’m Launching a What?
You may have heard that I launched a podcast in November. I had no idea how to launch a podcast, but God sparked something in me. I felt compelled to do it, but it didn’t happen right away.
I did my research, bought a mic and it sat in the box for months. Yet, I could not let the idea go.
So one day, I opened that box.
What is burning in your heart to start? What is lighting a fire under you and propelling you forward?
What is still sitting in a box that God is calling you to open?
You, my friend, have a Fierce Calling. God can use you for great and mighty things for your good and His glory — no matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, what’s been done to you, or what others have told you.
Naysayers never accomplish anything that matters. Just ignore them.
That action you feel compelled to take?
It happens when you lift your open hands to God, trust Him with all the details, and take that first step.
It’s by no accident shortly after launching my podcast I heard about the Spark Christian Podcast Conference. I know, right?!
Every Step Matters
I’ve taken many first steps, but this new first step happened in November. The Fierce Calling Podcast was born on November 3, 2019. I am giving a platform to women who are following Christ and answering the call on their lives. And I’m writing a book about it.
My podcast is like a conversation over coffee. Women share how they are taking action where their passion, compassion, and conviction intersect.
They have hard stories. Trauma, abuse, loss, grief, depression…
But life’s circumstances do not define us and these women have a powerful message to share. They have passion and joy and hope.
Isn’t that what this world needs?
I hope these conversations inspire other women to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ. Their stories, although different, are still a lot like yours and mine.
We are all on this road of trials, challenges, joy, and love together.
If you’d like to be a guest on the show check out my Fierce Calling Podcast guest submission form.
Even when we feel we’ve taken 10 steps back, each step forward has a purpose for the Kingdom.
Your calling isn't built in a day–it manifests in many ways over your lifetime. Share on XIf you’d like more encouragement about walking in your calling, check this out…
7 Days to Clarifying Your Calling Free Resource!
Need a little help in clarifying your calling?

I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Brandy Hynes. Brandy has a free ebook you will love! I invited her to share it with you because I love bringing you fresh inspiration and great resources.
Check out her 7 Days to Clarifying Your Calling resource and her inspirational posts!
Hearing God’s Voice and Taking Action
Remember Nancy, who suffered from clinical depression?
In episode 8 of the Fierce Calling Podcast, you’ll hear how God answered her call for help. Now her Fierce Calling is helping other women have two-way conversations with God, too.
To hear more about having a two-way conversation with God, listen in as I have a chat with Nancy Booth on the Fierce Calling Podcast.
You Can Do This
Write down all the places where your passion, compassion, and conviction intersect. What moves you, friend?
It’s time for you to take action–and it all begins with prayer. Pray for God’s will and seek His face.
How do you walk in your Fierce Calling?
You just keep walking, one step at a time with God. He will shine a light as you walk on what He is calling you to do.
Blessings and Love in Christ,
You are such an inspiration, Doris, and your message to all of us to embrace our fierce calling has never been more important than it is today. The world needs us to show up and be brave.
Thank you, Elizabeth! Your kind and encouraging words blessed me! I so agree that we need to show up and be brave. Love that! You are an inspiration to me as well, friend.
My heart is EXPLODING!!!!!!! I am so excited for you and proud of you!!! YES! We all have to walk in our fierce calling! No easy task, but so so worth it!
Thank you, Cheyenne! Wow you are such an encouragement to me. I am proud of you as well! God is planning great things for the Bible studies He’s called you to write. Every obedient step is a step worth celebrating. See you soon!
I can’t wait