Surrender the Joy Stealers

Rediscover the Jesus Joy in You

Award-winning 6-week Bible Study

When the struggles of this world drain us dry and wring us out, our desert mentality becomes fertile ground for the enemy’s lies to grow. We place our trust in what we see and feel instead of in the God we know and love.

The enemy may threaten to steal our joy—but the truth is, he can’t crack the code.

This strategic six-session Bible study will help women rediscover the overflowing, ever-present Jesus joy within.


“We’ve lost our joy, friends. Something walked right in, bold as day, and stole it out from underneath us. We are discouraged. We are angry. We are sad. We are confused. We are at odds with each other—and the world is receiving a jaded message about faith. That’s not who we are, and that’s why I’m saying this bold and clear.

It’s time to take our joy back.

Suzanne Eller

Best-selling author, Founder, TogetHER Ministries

God has infused us with his joy, his Spirit, and his love…

we are soaked in his living water, which cannot be drained dry—and we are filled with his joy that cannot be emptied out.

Surrender the Joy Stealers is a strategic six-session Bible study rooted in John 15, that helps women rediscover the overflowing, ever-present Jesus joy within, that fills them, empowers them, and ripens the fruit God produces in their lives. Using personal stories and Biblical application, women will learn how to identify their joy stealers, surrender them to God, reawaken the joy within them, and share that joy with others.

Here’s a glimpse of our journey:


Week 1: Reveal

Through the power of prayer and the truth of Scripture, we begin our journey by revealing and naming what threatens to steal our joy. Identifying our joy stealers is the first step in revoking their power over us.


Week 2: Respond

Once the joy stealers are revealed, named, and brought into the light of Christ, it’s time to surrender them to God. In Week 2, we walk through what it looks like to surrender our joy-stealers to God. Surrender is key, and I share personal and biblical stories to help you in surrendering what threatens to steal your joy.

Week 3: Receive

In Week 3, we receive with open hands the joy Jesus already gave us and wants to continue to give us when we abide in him. We receive with joy our calling and purpose.

Week 4: Renew

A healthy disciple abides in the vine and bears much fruit to the glory of God. In Week 4, we learn to walk with a fresh and renewed outlook, are reminded we are transformed by the renewing of our minds through God’s Word, and find renewed strength, a renewed spirit, a renewed mind, and a renewed purpose.

Week 5: Rest

What does rest truly mean? Rest is never optional in God’s economy. Rest is more than taking a nap in the middle of the day; the rest we need is a deep-down-to-your-soul kind of rest. In Week 5, we explore what resting, like Sabbath rest, looks like and how we can be rested in Christ and ready for our calling.

Week 6: Reach

Are we bearing enough fruit or any fruit at all? In Week 6, we explore the meaning of bearing much fruit. Through God’s Word, we find what it means to bear much fruit, how the fruit is produced, and how we might use our gifts to impact the world for Christ.

We all long for joy, but how do we actually grab hold of it? In Surrender the Joy Stealers, Doris has outlined six simple steps for us in this practical Bible study to grasp it firmly in our hand, let it take deep root within our heart, and fill us with strength and courage to walk it out

Erica Wiggenhorn

International speaker, Author of An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God's Goodness Through Disappointment and Doubt, an eight-week Bible study through the prophecies of Ezekiel.

In Surrender the Joy Stealers, Doris helps her readers, through either individual or group Bible study, learn to identify the joy stealers in their life, surrender them to God, and receive the joy Jesus came to give.

Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Clinical Neuropsychologist and award-winning author of Hope Prevails, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip, and Today is Going to be a Good Day

In Surrender the Joy Stealers, Doris Swift helps us take a deep look at what’s going on inside our hearts. Then based on God’s truth, she leads us from hurt to healing and helps us to discover the deep, abiding joy that no circumstances can steal.

Tara L. Cole

podcast host and author of Everyday Prayers for the School Year

Doris Swift has crafted a book that offers tremendous insight into growing closer to God and experiencing true joy in life. I highly recommend this essential guide for anyone looking to strive towards greater understanding of His word!

Misty Phillip

Founder of Spark Media, Award-winning author of The Struggle is Real: But so is God Bible study

Surrender the Joy Stealers engages us in a personal study to allow the transforming power of God’s Word to reawaken the joy within us.

Billie Jauss

Podcast host of The Family Room, and national speaker, Author of Making Room and Distraction Detox

In Surrender the Joy Stealers, Ms. Swift offers a fresh, scriptural perspective that enables us to seek out and overcome the many things that can steal our joy. Her excellent teaching and wisdom will be such a help to readers—worthy of both individual or group studies.”

Julie Zine Coleman

Managing editor of (the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association’s devotional website), Author of On Purpose: Understanding God’s Freedom for Women through Scripture

Our world is in desperate need of true and lasting joy. Surrender the Joy Stealers is filled with practical tips to help you not only identify the things that rob you of joy but remove them at their root.

Abby McDonald

Author of Shift, Writing Coach, and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today

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Whether you’ve walked with the Lord for decades or just started your faith journey, this study will increase your faith and deepen your relationship with God.

Connie Albers

Host of the Equipped to Be podcast, media contributor, and author of Parenting Beyond the Rules, Raising Teens with Confidence and Joy

Doris Swift’s book, Surrender the Joy Stealers, provides Christian women with a wonderful promise of joy in Jesus—regardless of the momentary circumstances.

Deb DeArmond

Writing Coach and Author of six books on marriage, family, and life after fifty.

What I appreciate so much about Doris Swift’s new Bible study, Surrender the Joy Stealers: Rediscover the Jesus Joy in You, is her realistic, solidly biblical, yet ultimately hopeful message.

Jamie Janosz

Author of When Others Shuddered: Eight Women Who Refused to Give Up, Managing Editor of Moody Bible Institute’s Today in the Word devotional

One feature I particularly liked is the useful Leader’s Guide that takes you step-by-step in starting a Bible study group. Surrender the Joy Stealers is a Bible study that offers valuable insights and practical guidance for anyone looking to find more joy in their life.

Yvette Walker

Founder of Positively Joy Ministries


Stay tuned for articles and interviews.

Doris Swift has a heart for hurting women. She knows what it’s like to struggle with our identity in Christ and to accept his love. In Surrender the Joy Stealers, she guides women through a process of Bible study and prayer so that they might discover for themselves the abundant joy waiting for them through Christ.

Sharon Wilharm

author of Women of Prayer Bible study, Host of All God's Women podcast and radio show

Surrender the Joy Stealers is not just a Bible study. Rather, it’s an opportunity for transformation and knowing you’re not alone.

Judy K. Herman

LPC-MHSP, speaker, psychotherapist, and author of Beyond Messy Relationships: Divine Invitations to Your Authentic Self.

Doris shares relatable personal stories to help women understand scriptural principles and walks us through the study of God’s Word with insightful questions. Gather a few friends, work through this study together, cooperate with God in the process, and discover the truth that ‘regardless of circumstances, we can still experience supernatural joy.’

Jen Vogel

National Director for Alliance Women 2015-2023

Through sound biblical teaching, dig-deeper questions, practical application, and relatable personal experiences, Doris leads us to live a joy-filled life, regardless of circumstances.

Evelyn Sherwood

Lover of Jesus, Worship Minister, Blogger of Hope for the Journey at

This practical study will have a lasting impact on Jesus-followers who want to escape the despair of daily disappointments and plant their feet firmly on the path of joy.

Dianne Barker

Speaker, Radio Host, and Author of I Don’t Chase the Garbage Truck down the Street in My Bathrobe Anymore! Organizing for the Maximum Life.

Surrender the Joy Stealers is a fantastic six-session Bible study by Doris Swift that helps women rediscover their joy and live their best lives. With relatable stories, biblical teachings, and practical tips, this study guides readers to identify and surrender their joy stealers to God.

Chad Allen

writing coach and founder of

Doris’ study will help you identify with what is stealing your joy and discover ways to recover it again through Scripture, prayer practices, and answering thoughtful questions.

Nancy B Booth

Spiritual Director, Author of Want to Hear God, Connect with Him in Prayer

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