..Egg on My Face…Summer of 7

So gals, here I am into the food week of the Summer of 7 challenge….yes, I’m behind....

My laugh has become more of a cluck….well, might be just all of that chicken I’m consuming…

I do love chicken, so it’s not been so bad eating LOTS of it…

Now eggs are a little different story…This morning I was running a bit behind, so I decided to make some hard-boiled eggs instead of the usual scrambled  like I like ’em….

I placed four eggs in the pan of water so I could have one for breakfast, then maybe one on my salad for lunch etc..I thought this would be a great time-saver…

All was going according to plan, until I began peeling my breakfast…

Since there was no time for the eggs to cool, I kept running the egg under cold water as I peeled it…. must avoid any third-degree burns…no time for hospitals today…I had to laugh (cluck) at the thought of any of you seeing me at the sink this morning...thankfully, you couldn’t see me...but I was compelled to tell you about it anyway….

In my haste to peel the burning hot eggshell, the entire top of the white came off with the shell!  I could actually see the yolk...this cannot be...I cannot afford to lose 1/3 of my breakfast!  I frantically tried to separate the white from the shell, but to no avail…I ate what was left of the poor thing, and by an hour later, the growling in my stomach reminded me that this is truly a challenge…

I could say that I’m starving…that I feel deprived…but is that really true when according to the book, I’m in the top 1% of wealth in the world?  It sure didn’t feel like it today....One thing’s for sure, this girl needs to count her blessings and it isn’t such a bad thing to feel a little hunger pang every once in awhile…

Truth be told, I took a bite of steak last night... a very small bite…but a bite is a bite…just like a sin is a sin…

Don’t we sometimes try to justify our sin?  “Oh, it wasn’t that bad…” or “Oh c’mon, it’s no big deal…

Epic failure, that bite of steak…but sure feels good to confess it….I know you girls will forgive me…

Thankfully, our Heavenly Father forgives through the precious blood of Jesus Christ….

This Summer of 7 may be a challenge but one thing is for sure…I’m in very good company…

God Bless,


To view the Summer of 7 Challenge I’m participating in….go to www.positivelyalene.com


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