What has been your biggest disappointment?
Life can bring a plethora of disappointments but here’s one of my biggies: I missed walking in my high school graduation. I left school just six months shy of this epic event that most kids look forward to from the first day of Kindergarten.
Why did I leave school early? Teenage pregnancy.
It’s hardly a stigma now, but back when I was in high school, it sure was–or at least that’s how I felt. There’s a long story behind my experience. Teenage years are difficult to navigate, but even more so when something traumatic happens in your life. You can read about my experience in my article, Why You Need to Run from a Toxic Relationship.
What I want to make clear is that I loved my baby, and still do. I still love my almost-six-foot 38-year-old baby. If you read the article you know I left town, but even if I did stay in town, I wouldn’t have left my house and I certainly would not have walked in my graduation 7-months pregnant. I felt shame which turned to joy when I held that little guy in my arms for the first time.
There was another disappointing time when I didn’t make the cheerleading team. But what if I had made it? It would have changed the entire pattern in the dominos of my life. I would have been at practices and games instead of being where I was actually meant to be on those days.
It’s mind-boggling, isn’t it? What I originally thought of as a disappointment was actually a plan for me to be at other appointments meant for me. Does that make any sense? It does. I would have been somewhere else and that could have changed everything. I may not even be writing this story at this very moment had I made that cheerleading team.
So here is my spiritual tip of the day
You know, when I look at that word “disappointment” I see something more–I see the word appointment.
What if we looked at our disappointments in a new way? What if we looked at them as a divine appointment that interrupted our own expectations?
God allows disappointments in our lives so we can flow in the direction of His divine appointments in our lives. There is always a lesson to learn.
Another example of a disappointment turned divine appointment was leaving a career of 29-years. I learned valuable lessons when my career ended unexpectedly.
I wrote stories here and there over the years, but it wasn’t until I left my banking career that I really started to focus seriously on my writing journey. I self-published a book in 2016 and I can confidently say, I would not have done that had I still been working in a demanding job that drained my energy and on some days, my joy.
So don’t be disappointed, friend–there is a deeper meaning in all things God allows in our lives.
By the way, you are not a disappointment. I know there are women walking around thinking they’ve disappointed someone and can just never seem to live up to other peoples’ expectations. Stop that faulty thinking. Stop it.
You were created to shine, maybe even sparkle a little. Or a lot. If you’re not feeling particularly sparkly today, that’s okay–it doesn’t mean you’ve lost your sparkle. You are not a disappointment to God, you are a treasure.
“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 7:6(NKJV)
You have been chosen by God. You are a daughter of the King. That can never disappoint.

Photo by Church of the King on Unsplash
Next time you experience disappointed, remember there is an appointment hidden in there somewhere. Ask God to reveal it and then thank Him for allowing what He knows is for your good.
Blessings of Peace & Joy,
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This post has so encouraged me. A great way to rethink the everyday reality of disappointment! Thank you so much for sharing this! Visiting from the RaRa link up.
Hi Cheryl! Thank you for visiting! Glad the post blessed you, friend. Your taking time to read and comment blessed me. Merry Christmas!