Hi, my name is Doris, and I want to warmly welcome you here!
In ministry for over 30 years, it’s my joy to encourage and equip women to walk deeper in God’s word and take action where their PASSION, COMPASSION, and CONVICTION intersect, in other words, their Fierce Calling. I’m an author, speaker, founder of Fierce Calling MInistires, and host of the award-winning Fierce Calling Podcast.
First and foremost, I am a child of God and a follower of Jesus. I’m also wife to my best friend and hubby, Brian, since 1984, mom to an amazing son and daughter-in-love & daughter and son-in-love, and Gammy to six wonderful grandkids!
I’m a Jersey girl who transplanted to Florida with my family in 9th grade. It’s beautiful in Florida, but I kind of miss the fall leaves and winter snow. Did I really just say that?
As a wife, mom, and softball/baseball/volleyball Gammy, I stay joyfully busy. You might find me hanging out with the kids shooting hoops, or drinking fancy caramel coffee with whipped cream.
I’m blessed to be on staff at my church and serve as a Christian lay counselor and Discipleship Mentor.
Life can be crazy messy, but God loves you like crazy, and He wants to use YOU for His glory. Amen? Woman of God, you have a Fierce Calling!
We all have a sphere of influence. God places us where we are for a reason.
God has plans for each one of us. Isn’t that exciting?
You can sign up here and receive a free gift: dorisswift.com.
I also want to encourage women that it’s never too late to live out their God-given dreams. After a 29+ career in banking, God made it known to me it was time to move on. I felt the call to return to school at age 55 and graduated in May 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies in Business, Christian Counseling, and Psychology from Liberty University.
I am represented by Blythe Daniel of the Blythe Daniel Literary Agency and am contracted with Elk Lake Publishers, Inc.
One of my favorite quotes…
“You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
My website is home to the Fierce Calling Podcast, but prior to the podcast, it was my inspirational blog. You can still find my devotionals here by searching back through the archives or searching for a topic in the search bar on the home page. Learning through community is an amazing thing, and our voices matter.
Here are a few of my readers’ favorite blog posts:
- To the Girl with Passion & Conviction: Get Ready, It’s Go Time
- Have You Pulled the Ribbon to Free Your Gifts?
- How to See the Greater Good in Our Trials
- How to be Battle Ready for the Fight of Your Life
- Friend, is Your Gift Waiting in the Wings?
- Girl, Live Your Real Life: Trading in the Made-Up Life for the One God
- FIVE FIERCE TRUTHS About You – Truth #1 – Identity
- FIVE FIERCE TRUTHS About You – Truth #2 – Confidence
- FIVE FIERCE TRUTHS About You – Truth #3 – Courage
- FIVE FIERCE TRUTHS About You – Truth #4 – Gifts
- FIVE FIERCE TRUTHS About You – Truth #5 – Calling
COMMENTS – I would love and appreciate comments on my blog and podcast episode show notes posts. I do try my best to respond, and it’s a great way to connect with other readers as well!
EMAIL – connect with me through email anytime!
TWITTER – Yes, I tweet! Let’s connect on Twitter. You’ll find me @DorisSSwift
FACEBOOK – Please check out Walking Deeper on Facebook. What a great way to connect and share. Like the Fierce Calling Facebook page so you won’t miss a thing!
INSTAGRAM – @dorissusanswift
Thank you for visiting my page.
Love In Christ,

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