Sweet to the Soul

Sweet to the Soul

May encouraging words flow from our lips, the aftertaste sweet to the soul, not bitter words, that sour and spoil, their destruction taking its toll. So what shall we choose, sour or sweet? Each day brings a new opportunity, choosing the sweet will always be wise,...

Helpful Ways to Share Our Faith

Where do we go and how will they know? I never tire of reading the book of Ruth. Sandwiched between Judges and 1 Samuel, God breathed a lifetime of legacy onto the pages, and in just four chapters. And you know what I love about Ruth? It didn’t matter where she...
When It’s Hard to Find Joy

When It’s Hard to Find Joy

Ever lost something just walking from one room to the next? Glasses, keys, phone. Frustrating isn’t it? I know the feeling. We are not losing our minds, we’re crowding them-with obligations and agendas fighting for brain gigs. Then there’s joy....

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