Supernatural Joy: Discovering the Source that Transcends Circumstances

On this special edition episode of Fierce Calling, we explore the concept of supernatural joy, of purposeful pruning, abundant fruit, and how maintaining a posture of praise to the Lord can lead us to a fruitful life.

Pruning, as discussed in this episode, becomes a necessary process for bearing much fruit. We learn the power of asking the Lord to remove things in our lives that are not pleasing to Him, allowing us to grow and thrive. The significance of abiding in Jesus is highlighted, showing us that it is through this connection that we avoid being those purposeless branches thrown into the fire but rather live as branches connected to the True Vine who live out our true calling and potential. Throughout this episode, we emphasize the importance of supernatural joy, which exists regardless of our circumstances.

Uncover the keys to unlocking this joy and living a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Friend, you have a fierce calling regardless of your past or present circumstances.

Don’t miss this special episode of Fierce Calling, where we talk about Surrender the Joy Stealers: Rediscover the Jesus Joy in You. This six-week study takes us on a journey from surrendering what threatens to steal our joy to living a joy-filled life with purpose.

Get ready to be inspired and challenged as we embark on this journey of purposeful pruning with love on Fierce Calling.


  1. Sue

    I have just completed week one of your new study on Surrender the Joy Stealers! In addition to the multiple grounding in scripture both through study and prayer, the podcasts included at the end of the week have provided much needed nourishment. I strongly encourage women of any age and maturity to grab another friend and go through this study in expectation of God’s revelation and healing in their life. Thank you, Lord, for encouraging Doris and guiding her in her ministry helping others to glorify You.

    • Doris Swift

      Hi Sue! Thank you so much for your encouraging words about the study! My prayer is just as you said, that women who go through the study would find God’s revelation and healing. Thank you for taking the time to write and share these comments. If you have not done this already, it would be such a blessing if you would be willing to copy and paste this message into an Amazon review. The more reviews, the more Amazon will suggest the study and more will find it. God bless you and thankful for you!


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