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This week’s episode is an inspiring journey of transformation, faith, and joy that you won’t want to miss. Join Host Doris Swift as she welcomes the remarkable Cindy Brinker Simmons to the Fierce Calling Podcast. Cindy, a best-selling author, businesswoman, and philanthropist, shares her compelling story that started on the worst day of her life and blossomed into a ministry that encourages others through life’s challenges.
Listen in as Cindy opens up about her personal trials, beginning with the loss of her mother at age 12, to enduring the profound grief of her husband’s cancer diagnosis. Cindy’s unwavering faith, even in the face of heartbreak, reveals a powerful message about God’s plan and purpose in our struggles.
We’re talking all about her new book Restored: Reconnecting Life’s Broken Pieces
Key Topics and Takeaways …
- Finding Ministry in Grief: Cindy reflects on her journey from devastation to discovering a new purpose.
- Prayer and God’s Answers : She believes God answers prayers in various ways that lead to unexpected blessings.
- Joy as a Choice: Discover how Cindy and her family chose joy and faith during her husband’s illness, creating a lasting impact through their strength.
- “Restored” – A Guide to Perseverance: Explore Cindy’s book, which offers valuable insights and practical applications for reconnecting life’s broken pieces.
- Transforming Grief into Activism: Learn about Cindy’s foundation, “Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer,” which channels personal grief into meaningful action.
Connect with Cindy!
You can connect with Karen at brinkersimmons.com. Her social media links are:
Cindy Brinker Simmons graduated from the University of Virginia with a bachelor of arts in communications and Spanish. Upon returning to Dallas after her graduation, Cindy began a distinguished 30-year career in public relations.
In 1980, coinciding with commencing her professional career, in 1980 Cindy established Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer (WOKC), one of Dallas’ largest pediatric cancer non-profit organizations, and has remained on its board. WOKC funds meritorious childhood oncology research projects nationwide and has multiple programs designed to help and encourage young cancer patients
and their families. Cindy established WOKC in memory of her mother, the late great tennis champion Maureen “Little Mo” Connolly Brinker, who died of cancer in 1969 at the age of 34.
Cindy is president and on the board of the Maureen Connolly Brinker Tennis Foundation (MCB), one of the most respected junior tennis organizations worldwide. MCB furthers tennis development for elite and talented players, ages 8-12, through its national and international tournaments. MCB has also created innovative initiatives for its young competitors that
promote good sportsmanship, fair play and strong moral character. In 2008, Cindy was appointed by Texas Speaker Tom Craddick to the Oversight Committee of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, a state agency designed to fund groundbreaking cancer grants and to bring top cancer specialists to the state.
Cindy completed her three-year term on CPRIT’s Oversight Committee, serving as its secretary, to establish and
manage the operations, policies and staff of the Institute. Cindy has devoted herself to philanthropic concerns. She currently serves on the board of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Cindy is the author of the popular book, LITTLE MO’s LEGACY: A Mother’s Lessons, A Daughter’s Story. The book chronicles the lessons her late mother taught her in life and in death.
Cindy has one treasured son, William. Her husband, Bob, passed away in 2005 after a valiant three-year battle with cancer. Cindy’s absolute favorite pastime is gathering with her family and friends with a cup of Earl Grey hot tea enjoying a deep and meaningful conversation.
Connect with Doris!
Connect with Doris at https://dorisswift.com/ For speaking engagements, visit her booking page at womenspeakers.com
Join us for this heartening episode of Fierce Calling and be inspired to deepen your biblical study and walk with God.
What Threatens to Steal Your Joy?

Check out Surrender the Joy Stealers: Rediscover the Jesus Joy in You 6-week Bible study rooted in John 15. You can find more info at https://dorisswift.com/book/

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Until then friend, have a blessed week, and I’ll talk to you soon.
With love and joy,
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Welcome back to the show. I am excited to welcome my friend today, Cindy Brinker Simmons. She’s a best selling author, a businesswoman, and philanthropist who cares deeply about helping people in the midst of life’s challenges. That is so precious. She is a living, breathing champion of joy, and I can totally attest to that. That is a great description of you, Cindy. Thank you. Cindy’s victory in overcoming the sorrow of multiple personal losses provides comfort and hope to those struggling through life’s most difficult trials.
Doris Swift00:02:26 – 00:02:38
For years, she walked alongside hurting people to encourage and help them confidently press forward, choose joy, and trust God. And I love that so much. Welcome to the show. It’s great to have you, Cindy.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:02:38 – 00:02:42
Doris, I’m just thrilled. Thank you so much. We’ll have fun.
Doris Swift00:02:42 – 00:02:49
Yes. We will. I mean, I’m already having fun with you, and you are just a a joy. I mean and you just
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:02:49 – 00:02:49
Thank you.
Doris Swift00:02:49 – 00:03:15
Exude the love of Christ, and I just can, you know, sense that even over the airwaves through the technology, because we’re not sitting in the same room, but I feel like, you know, we have been doing that. So I wanted to invite you to share your a little about your story, however the Lord leads and how you’re taking action, where your passion, compassion, and conviction intersect. And I know you have a lot to tell about that.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:03:17 – 00:04:13
I do. I do. And, again, Doris, thank you. This is really quite a joy for me as well. Let me start with a foundational premise, and that is that it has been said that we’re either in a crisis, in the middle of a crisis, leaving a crisis, or entering a crisis. And a fundamental principle is that suffering is a universal experience, and the word of God says that too because we see in 1st Peter 412, it says, dear friends, why are you surprised at the painful trials you’re suffering as though something surprising is happening to you? I mean, the the bible talks about and predicts that we have many bumps and bruises in our daily living. It’s called suffering. That there is misery and there is gladness and joy that cohabitate together in this messy, crazy, beautiful thing called life.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:04:14 – 00:05:00
So suffering is a universal experience, and that is my ministry is suffering, as you, as you said so adeptly in the introduction. When I was 12 years old, I was seated on a very uncomfortable pew. To my left was my 10 year old sister, To my right was my mid 30 year old dad. He had just buried my mom. Mhmm. And I was so confused, so heartbroken, so so angry because I thought that God hated me. I thought, Doris, that I had done something so bad, so terrible that I was incurring the wrath of a vengeful God. I literally thought God hated me, and you know, I wasn’t very crazy about him either at that point at 12 years old.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:05:01 – 00:05:52
That’s where I parked my heart. And not only was my family suffering this colossal, enormous loss of this beautiful and talented woman, but the world was too. Because although my mom was known as mom to my little sister Brenda and me, she was known to her adoring public in the 19 fifties as the tennis champion, Maureen Conley, known as Little Mo. Mom was number 1 in the world in tennis in 1952, 53, 54. She won Wimbledon 3 years in a row, and we’re right now, we’re we’re, enjoying the US Open, and she won the US Open at age 16, and won it again at 52, and then 53, and she she just was unbeatable. I mean, she literally was unbeatable. She was a woman athlete of the year for multiple years. So, the world was mourning alongside us.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:05:54 – 00:07:02
So, we just survived. Our family survived, but it was like a giant vacuum cleaner had just come down from the heavenlies and just sucked all the joy out of our home. And, I remember thinking when I was sitting there in that pew, I remember thinking, God has just taken the Brinker family that was a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle and thrown it haphazardly to the wind, and as expected, that we’re to put it all back again, and I was thinking, with shaking fist, I was thinking, God, God, we can’t even find the pieces. So that’s where I was at 12 years old. But life happens, life moves on. Then at 16, in God’s outrageous grace, he introduced me to the daughter of a pastor who said to me that I didn’t have to earn God’s love, that there was nothing I could do to earn God’s love. You see, because I had thought I had to earn God’s love, because again, I thought he was really mad at me, so I was doing everything I could to earn back the love of a God who was mad at me. I think many people are in that place at times.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:07:02 – 00:07:26
I think many people think that God’s indifferent. I think that they can think he’s inactive, or they can just think that he just flat doesn’t care. He’s angry at them. That’s a I think that’s real. Well, that’s where I was until this precious woman shared. There was nothing I could do to earn God’s love. He loved me with abandon. He loved me with an everlasting love.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:07:26 – 00:08:20
He loved me as much as when my mom was born as when she hoisted that Wimbledon trophy over her head. He loved me that much, even though I wasn’t born at the time, but he loved our family. There was not a punishment. So at that point, at 16 years old, I made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, and what’s so amazing about that is that 33 years later, Doris, I met this beautiful man who walked into my life. He loved the Lord. We married. Had a little sick had a little boy, William, and then when William was 6, 33 years later, Bob was struck with 4 terrifying words, and that is, Bob, you have cancer. And so, for 3 years, we fought again another journey of cancer.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:08:20 – 00:09:16
Ah, but this time Doris, this time it was different. This time I knew that God wasn’t striking down our family or that God wasn’t mad at our family or we hadn’t done anything wrong. This time I knew that God loved me with abandon, that he had a plan and purpose in everything, and that even though our circumstances were difficult, I knew through the blood of Jesus Christ, through the love of my savior, that God loved us and had a purpose through this. As a matter of fact, Bob had a very rare cancer. It was a childhood cancer, but he he, that cancer wasn’t manifested until he was an adult. And when Bob, we finally found out what that cancer was, we were given 3 months to live. So, as we walked out of that doctor’s office, that oncologist’s office, Doris, my beloved Bob looked at me and he said, Cindy, actually he called me sweetie pie. We didn’t call each other by our first names.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:09:16 – 00:10:02
He called me sweetie pie. He said, sweetie pie, I don’t know if I have 3 months. I don’t know if I have 3 years. I don’t know if I have 30 years, but from this point forward, we are going to choose joy, and we are going to give all the glory to God, and that’s what we did, Doris. We gave the glory to God, and it was only through the strength of Jesus, because that’s not what we would have chosen for our life. I mean, we had a little 6 year old boy, and we had plans, and we had dreams that were big, that all of a sudden were were halted. We, as a matter of fact, we were just, just in the throes, like 3 weeks away from going and adopting a little girl. We were going to adopt a little girl overseas, so we had planned all that, and we were 3 weeks short of that.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:10:02 – 00:10:50
So, our plans changed. But yet, God in His outrageous grace gave us a ministry that was so impactful. Because when you are suffering, I assume when you’re singing from that mountaintops, people are watching. But when you are in that desert, that dark, dark valley, that’s when people are watching. Your dedication to Christ is manifested and it radiates when people can see the calm, the peace, and the joy when you’re afflicted, and the transformational power of Jesus Christ in your life. And that’s what impacts and changes lives. You know, that’s what we did. And and 3 years later, we buried Bob, my my beloved Bob.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:10:50 – 00:11:24
William was 9, but our whole focus was different, and we knew it was all part of a plan that was good, and that’s an important thing that’s in my book, Restored, that many times you can’t see God working, but he’s always working behind the scenes. Yes. He is working for the good. So that’s that’s my story in a nutshell, and that’s really what I want to share. If you could just literally, literally, my book could be summarized in 2 words, Doris, trust God. Trust God.
Doris Swift00:11:24 – 00:11:24
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:11:24 – 00:11:26
And he is a good and faithful God.
Doris Swift00:11:27 – 00:11:40
Amen. That is a powerful story. And just when you were talking about how how we are going to go through suffering, We’re either coming out of it, we’re in it, or we’re going to be heading into it. That
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:11:41 – 00:11:42
Yes. Yes.
Doris Swift00:11:42 – 00:12:40
And the transformation of how the change with living through this with the joy of Jesus. And Yes. You know, just that perspective and the joy in living those 3 years were probably very joy filled, and there were things that were said, things that were done that were very meaningful and purposeful and powerful in your life. And like you said, people could see that, and it was definitely authentic. I think people are looking for authenticity. And you had mentioned your beautiful book, restored reconnecting life’s broken pieces, and we’ll talk more about that as well. So then you went on to do more things. And after that, what did the Lord lead you into in this next season? Because you still had a small
Doris Swift00:12:40 – 00:12:41
child. Right?
Doris Swift00:12:41 – 00:12:42
So yeah.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:12:42 – 00:13:24
Yes. Yes. I had a little a a little boy to raise, but now that that was at age 9. But now William is 28. One quick thing that you said that just touched my heart because this happened, we had to live in the hospital quite a bit through some of the toxicities of some chemo. Bob had very, very strong chemo, so we lived as a family in the hospital. Doris, our caretakers, our nurses would come into Bob’s room and say, mister Simmons, mister Simmons, what is it that you have that makes you so joyful? Because they knew the grim prognosis. They knew that this cancer was advancing and gaining ground.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:13:24 – 00:14:18
I mean, we were on a bloody battlefield, and our enemy was gaining ground. And so, mister Simmons mister Simmons, what do you have that brings you so much joy? My beloved would say, It’s not what I have. It’s who has me. Doris, just in our hospital with our doctors, our oncologists, our caretakers, just they saw the joy. I mean, again, you know, we we hear that that God calls us into the 10 Commandments, not the 10 suggestions, because, you know, when He calls us, it’s hard. Life is hard. I mean, the again, none of us are immune from the bumps and bruises of daily living. I mean, joy coexists with sorrow in this messy, fun, difficult world called life, and that’s what happens.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:14:19 – 00:15:22
But but from that point when when William was 9, my focus was again shifted shifted to raising William, And I want to share an epic story with you that, just just touches me so deeply. When Bob had his first surgery, I he normally bathed William, but but when Bob was in the hospital, I bathed William. And the 1st night that Bob was in the hospital, he was in the hospital for a week, so I would go back and forth. This is before he started living at the hospital. The 1st night, William said, mommy, is daddy gonna die? Well, I wasn’t quite prepared for that question at that point because it was early and I mean, very early like the 1st week. And and so I mumbled something like, oh, honey, he doesn’t plan to. But the next day I went to the hospital and said, sweetheart, you know, sweet, beloved, this is what William asked. I want you to to think about how you’re going to respond to that, and I prayed that William wouldn’t ask me again.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:15:22 – 00:16:10
So so by God’s, again, outrageous grace, William did not ask me that question, and the first night that Bob was home, I was baiting William because Bob had a lot of stitches. His his cancer was in his peritoneal lining, which is the part that that houses the intestines and the liver and and really our organs, our core. And and all of a sudden, sure enough, William looked at his daddy and said, daddy, are you gonna die? And Bob, in an epic response said, looked at William and said, William, yes. Daddy’s gonna die. Yes. Yes. Daddy’s gonna die. And then he looked at me and he said, and William, William, yes, yes.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:16:10 – 00:17:14
Mommy’s going to die too. And then he looked at William and he said very tenderly, very softly, I mean I can just hear it, and William, someday you beloved son, you’re going to die, and I hope you live a long long life William, but someday you buddy are going to die too. So William, the question is not if daddy or mommy or even William’s going to die. The question is, where do we go when we die? Fortunately William had accepted Jesus at 4a half, and William perked up and said, oh daddy, daddy, you’ll be with Jesus. You’ll have no pain or suffering. Oh daddy, you’ll be with Jesus. That will be such a neat place to be, and William never asked that question again. So, dear Doris, the question is, where do we stand with Jesus? And so, what I have found through my work after Bob’s passing, I I had to resume my life because I put some things on hold.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:17:14 – 00:18:23
I had a son to raise. I had a son to breathe into because William was hurting. I mean, he was 9 years old, and and we we we we believed in Jesus, and so raised son is raised my son, but I do a lot of work with children with cancer. One of the things I believe that’s really, really important is to take your grief and put your grief into action. Because in life, what I have seen is that grief is not a new emotion, nor is activism a new phenomenon. But when you marry the 2, when you blend those 2 together, there is healing that takes place when you become other focused, not self focused. And so I when mom passed away, when when I was 12 as I remember, I was sitting on that that’s that seat, mom was 12, that pew seat. I was 12 when mom died, and I had also that day on that pew seat had pledged that someday, somehow, some way, some where I was going to do something to eradicate the scourge of a disease that had taken my mom’s life.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:18:23 – 00:19:19
So when I graduated from college, I started a little organization called Wipe Out Kids Cancer. And so I put my grief to help other people. And that has been the it’s it’s Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer is is a national organization now. We we raise 1,000,000 and 1,000,000 of dollars for pediatric cancer research and we have service programs that provide, comfort and joy and healing, and and and just, activities for families, support for families. But it’s so important to park your grief outside of yourself because that grief is going to be parked somewhere. So it’s really important to be other focused and and and when something like this happens, and let me just say, as you know, Doris, that grief comes in all sizes, all shapes and sizes. You don’t have to lose a loved one. You don’t have to have a prodigal child.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:19:19 – 00:19:56
You don’t even have to lose a dog. A dear friend of mine just lost her dog a couple days ago, and that’s grief stricken because the dog is a part of a family, as are all animals, but it could just be that we’re disappointed or life isn’t quite what we thought it was going to be. And sometimes we’re at the end of ourselves and life is so heavy because we just are disappointed at where we are. So, no matter what, we just need to park that grief and be other focused. And many times we can’t control our circumstances, but we can control our responses to our circumstances and we can choose joy. That’s an intentional decision.
Doris Swift00:19:57 – 00:19:57
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:19:57 – 00:21:25
And and it’s so because God calls us, yes, when there has been a breach of an emotional heartbreak or we’re in a fragile place, like a loss, we we are to pause, we are to just regroup, catch our breath, that’s good. We need to do that, but God does not want us to stay in neutral forever. Life beckons us, and God has a plan and a purpose for us, and our heartbreak is part of our story, and a little a few years ago, the Lord revealed something to me that was so profound, Doris. It just it just brings tears to my eyes and this is so important for for all of us to understand how God works. The worst day of my life ever, ever was when I was 12 years old and I was on that pew. As I said, every emotion from heartache to confusion to anger to thinking that God hated me was just caving in, was just erupting, imploding in my little heart. The worst day of my life, because even when Bob passed, I knew that he was with Jesus and I I had a relationship with Jesus, even though it was a heartache, I was in a different place. Do you know Doris, that at that moment, at that moment, the darkest day of my life, that’s when God started my ministry.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:21:26 – 00:21:59
That moment is when God said, I gotcha. I got this Cindy. You don’t know, because you don’t quite have that relationship with me, but I’m working on your behalf. Dear child, I have got a plan and a purpose for you that’s so amazing, you can’t see it right now. Dear one, because you were broken and I literally was broken. But you just wait. You just wait. No, I’ve always said that God answers prayers in 4 ways.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:21:59 – 00:22:11
1 is, no, not yet. No, no, no. You’re not equipped yet, Cindy. You’re not ready. You’re not prepared. Be patient. No, not yet. The second answered prayer is, yes, I love you too much.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:22:11 – 00:22:46
Cindy, I love you too much. What you’re asking me is so much less than what I have prepared for you. Oh, dear child, I don’t want to answer that prayer, because it’s so much less significant than the victory I have for you. The 3rd answered prayer is, yes, I thought you’d never asked, because God wants us to lay our broken heart, what keeps us up at night, our petitions at his, at the foot of his throne. So he wants this communication with us. Talk to God. Share with him. I mean, Doris, it’s not like he doesn’t know what our what our heart is yearning for.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:22:46 – 00:23:16
I mean, he knows us thoroughly, but then the victory is, yes and here’s more. And at 12 years old, I had no idea that decades later is a yes and here’s more. And for all of us, dear sister, when we are in our heartaches, our brokenness, and we’re all broken people, That God has a plan and a purpose for us, and he’s working behind the scenes. We might not be able to see it. Just the fact that we’re standing, that we’re alive
Doris Swift00:23:17 – 00:23:17
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:23:17 – 00:23:21
Could just absolutely be testimony, you know, to God’s grace.
Doris Swift00:23:21 – 00:23:21
Yes. For sure.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:23:21 – 00:23:48
We might have some bumps and bruises and wounds, but you know, so anyway, so I just moved forward and involved with pediatric cancer, and then, there’s a foundation named after my mom, the Maureen Conley Brinker Tennis Foundation. It’s a large tennis foundation. We have what’s called Little Mo tournaments for gifted and talented 8 to 12 year olds, so I do that and and I write. And, really what I love to do is encourage people. Yeah. That’s really what what is my happy place.
Doris Swift00:23:48 – 00:23:49
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:23:49 – 00:23:54
And and raise this wonderful boy named William. We have a great relationship, So God is good.
Doris Swift00:23:54 – 00:24:13
Yeah. Definitely have the gift of encouragement for sure, you know, to encourage others. You know, just the things that you have shared. And I love the fact that well, when you were sharing when you were 12 years old, and then as you grew, I think you said it was 16 when a pastor’s kid told you about Jesus.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:24:13 – 00:24:16
That’s exactly. Exactly. I mean They kids,
Doris Swift00:24:16 – 00:24:44
you know, as we as we referred to pastor’s kids, told you about Jesus, you found Jesus, and what a beautiful transformation, and how you could give us the picture of before Jesus and after Jesus as far as what grief you experienced and how you experienced it and how different it was. Yes. And, thank you for sharing that precious story about William and his dad. That was beautiful. And just how you
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:24:44 – 00:24:45
Thank you.
Doris Swift00:24:45 – 00:25:11
Share it and how even a child of that age, when it the light bulb came on and he Yes. He’s like, oh, you can be with Jesus. You know, it’s was an excitement almost, you know, and it kind of it it dispels the darkness, you know, and it just changes changes how, we view death and grief and all of that.
Doris Swift00:25:11 – 00:25:13
So I I think that was precious, and I
Doris Swift00:25:13 – 00:25:20
love how you told us that we’re to park our grief outside ourselves and look outward.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:25:20 – 00:25:22
Yes. Yes. And serve others.
Doris Swift00:25:22 – 00:25:24
Yes. Beautiful. Beautiful.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:25:25 – 00:26:42
Oh, thank you. You know, one other thing I would love to share, you and I talked to it just a little earlier, is that what I have found is that trials can be treasures in disguise. Again, that’s the beauty of Jesus working behind the scenes, and if I may, I I just wanna read a few of those what I found, and I just listed as just I mean, I have a whole list of them, but I I just a few that, again, that that suffering is again no respecter of age or gender or socioeconomic status, but yet god can use our torch lives for great things, and there can be treasures through these trials, and a few that I just listed and and and your listeners have many that they could list, but, when you persevere through trials, strength and courage replace weakness and complacency, Confidence is regained. Wisdom and maturity oust timidity and passiveness. Recklessness becomes responsibility. Self absorption dies to servant leadership. Perversity gives way to discipline, relationships are reconciled, hope is restored, and true authentic intimacy with God is experienced. Those are just a few.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:26:42 – 00:27:50
I have a whole listing, but again, Doris, God uses trials to be treasures, to to champion a cause, or to learn more about ourselves, or to become kinder, wiser, more compassionate people, and empathetic to other people’s afflictions. So I have found that to be a gift, and I’ve talked to thousands of people over my life and and it would restored, and many, many say they if if they had to do it all over again, they would do it all over again. That even the trials, as difficult as they were, and as I said, it changed the trajectory of Bob’s and my life because we had plans, but God but God said, no, no, your plans are a little different than mine, and that’s what we find in Isaiah, his plans, and our plans aren’t usually aligned always. And but there are great trials great treasures when we go through trials.
Doris Swift00:27:50 – 00:28:03
Yes. That is so encouraging. It really is, and it’s so true. And how the word tells us and encourages us in that what we go through can be used to help others when they’re going through a
Doris Swift00:28:03 – 00:28:04
different place,
Doris Swift00:28:04 – 00:28:24
and that’s exactly what you and, you know, how your ministry helps others and encourages others in yeah, in how we make our plans, but the lord directs our steps. So you had plans and, you know, wasn’t like they weren’t good plans, but God has different plans sometimes.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:28:25 – 00:28:27
Absolutely. Absolutely. And brought
Doris Swift00:28:27 – 00:28:27
you to this place.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:28:27 – 00:28:58
Well yes. Yes. Well, I’m reminded that the word restored, the very root of the word restored, Doris, means return, return, renew, and repair. Mhmm. And that’s what God is doing in our lives through Jesus. Yeah. He’s renewing our hearts, because our hearts sadly gravitate towards sin, and we say things that we shouldn’t say, we do things that we shouldn’t do, and relationships are damaged that way, so he renews us. He repairs us.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:28:58 – 00:29:10
He repairs what’s broken, and then he returns us to him. Mhmm. And that’s God’s rescue plan of Jesus does that. So that’s that’s why I chose the title restored.
Doris Swift00:29:11 – 00:29:17
Yeah. It’s very beautiful, and I love the cover because it reminds
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:29:17 – 00:29:17
Oh, thank you.
Doris Swift00:29:17 – 00:29:25
Of, you know, when you hear the broken parts are where the light shines in, and you can see that
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:29:25 – 00:29:25
Doris Swift00:29:26 – 00:29:43
On the cover. The sunlight is shining through the broken piece of pottery, And just like the sun god, the sun shines through us. So it is beautiful. And this and this book, was published through Redemption Press. Correct?
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:29:44 – 00:29:46
Yes. That is right. That is exactly right.
Doris Swift00:29:46 – 00:29:46
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:29:49 – 00:29:52
Though I love them, we’ve had a great relationship. Yes. Yes.
Doris Swift00:29:52 – 00:29:53
It’s so beautiful.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:29:53 – 00:31:04
You know, one other thing that, that’s important, and and you said, after Bob’s passing, what is something that you did? One important thing that I have found too, and and so many people have, is that life is relational, and God created relationships. I mean, first and foremost, our relationship was with him, but he is the creator of relationships, and we are not meant to go through this life alone. That it will not go well for us if we’re isolated, if we’re lonely. We need some everybody needs to belong somewhere, and it is called community. And we need to have a group of people dedicated, trusted, and and compassionate people who undergird us Yeah. When our hearts are broken, and that we can undergird when they’re broken. It it is a way for just hope is ushered in through community, and it’s really important because the enemy wants to get us alone. And that’s when he can breathe words of harshness and and and vindictiveness and accusations.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:31:05 – 00:31:58
But when we are in community, a community group, and that can be found through church, it can be found through, nonprofits you work with, like minded people, it can be found through through, your work. But having a group of people that you know carry you when when you just can’t even walk. Community reflects the love of Jesus, because he carries us. I mean, he carries us, and I’ve been carried so much by our good Lord, but the important thing is community. That, and again, you know, God is always glorious, even if our circumstances are not. Again, trusting God, he is working behind the scenes. He has a purpose and a plan for you because we’re all different. And I talk about joy killers in my book.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:31:58 – 00:32:27
You know, there’s so many joy killers like comparison. Worry. Oh, fear is an absolute joy killer. I mean, fear is paralyzing. My mom once told me, she she was a teenager when she was number 1 in the world, so I she wasn’t even married. I wasn’t born yet, but she told me later that when she walked on the tennis court, Doris, there were 2 approaches she could take. She could either walk on that court fearing to lose or walking on that court wanting to win. Wow.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:32:27 – 00:33:19
Those are 2 wholly opposite approaches. The ultimate goal is victory, but when you fear to lose, it’s almost a self fulfilled prophecy. You your confidence is imploded, you’re paralyzed, you can’t hit your big shots. You you are literally stuck in fear, but when you go, and this is just a metaphor for life. It’s a metaphor that that on the tennis courts, when she walked out on that tennis court wanting to win, she could hit the big shots. She had confidence soaring. So the important fear is such an enemy, is such a weapon used by the enemy, and I think fear and discouragement are the 2 greatest in my thoughts of the the weapons used by the enemy, and I just go back to Joshua 19 that says, have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:33:19 – 00:33:27
Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God goes with you wherever you are, And he is with us. It’s such a good reminder.
Doris Swift00:33:27 – 00:33:35
It is. And that’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing about your mom. So sweet, this legacy of how you can use the things that she had done
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:33:36 – 00:33:36
Doris Swift00:33:36 – 00:33:41
You know, and now use it for the glory of God, to bring glory to God.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:33:42 – 00:33:42
Doris Swift00:33:42 – 00:34:04
And how you said that our circumstances aren’t glorious, but God is glorious. And he always does. Yes. So I love that so much. And I I was gonna go back because you had you had a a phrase that you used, and I don’t know if I heard torch lives or torch lights that we show.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:34:04 – 00:34:04
Torch lives.
Doris Swift00:34:05 – 00:34:07
Yes. Torch lives. I love that.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:34:08 – 00:34:51
You know, God use our torch lives because it’s like, you know, in forests, they they put to fire the dead the dead rot, the weeds, the the the underpinnings of roots, they torch those, and out of the torches comes ashes and beauty, of course, in the ashes, and that’s very scriptural. From the ashes comes beauty, but out of our torch lives, Doris, the love of God waters and patiently puts it back together. Again, that’s the repair of restored, and beauty erupts, and beauty that’s brand new.
Doris Swift00:34:51 – 00:34:51
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:34:51 – 00:35:34
And and it’s and then it is so glorious because again, that is a treasure that we find in trials, a newness, a new empathy, a new perhaps servant leadership, perhaps an arrogance that’s been replaced by this empathy and and this this servant leadership. It’s it’s just beautiful to see that. And, again, so many people say, even though it’s difficult, you know, oh my goodness, suffering is difficult. It’s destructive. Mhmm. And and it certainly, can can make a hole in your heart that no EKG will ever detect. Mhmm. Yet yet God uses it for your good and his glory.
Doris Swift00:35:34 – 00:36:19
Yeah. Amen. It and it’s such a different view. Like, worldview is suffering is bad, and God must be bad, and why would a good God allow it? And then when we come from a biblical worldview, based on God’s truth and what we know about him and his character, we can live out suffering with the joy that he has given us in that Yes. Volumes. Like you were saying with your husband in the hospital, you know, the nurses, the staff, they would wonder, how can you have all this joy when this is happening in your life? And what an impact. And and you may never know this side of heaven, the impact that he made.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:36:20 – 00:36:20
That’s right.
Doris Swift00:36:20 – 00:36:33
You know? And so there’s just opportunities all around us to share God’s light and and be, you know, living for him and be the torch lives that we are.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:36:33 – 00:36:35
Yes. Yes. Be able to shine his light.
Doris Swift00:36:35 – 00:36:35
You know,
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:36:35 – 00:37:02
I I I’ve talked about my son, William. We’re very very close. He he’s just he’s my buddy. He he he lives in LA and is is doing his work in film. But, Doris, I confess, I could never sacrifice my son. Mhmm. I could never sacrifice this young man who god has given me as a treasure. I could never sacrifice him.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:37:02 – 00:37:11
Now, I could sacrifice myself, and I would take a bullet for lots of people. Lots of people, but I could never sacrifice William for anybody.
Doris Swift00:37:11 – 00:37:12
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:37:12 – 00:37:53
And yet, in God’s rescue plan, it literally brings me to my knees that he sacrificed his son, Jesus Christ, for a world, not just of friends who loved him, not just for an adoring group of people who said, God, you are my God. No. For everybody, those who were apostate, those who literally turned their back on God, those who hated God. God sacrificed his son Jesus for humanity, a fallen humanity. That is a reminder to me of the goodness of God. Yes. Amen.
Doris Swift00:37:53 – 00:38:01
Amen. So beautifully said and encouraging to someone listening today who might be struggling with their faith even and wondering
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:38:01 – 00:38:02
Yes. Yes.
Doris Swift00:38:02 – 00:38:33
Is is there a God? You know, what is this all about? Yes. And that that they’re not listening today to the conversation by any accident. And that Yes. Hopefully, this encouraged, them to see God. Because when we do, we will we will find him. So this has been such an amazing episode. I just enjoyed it so much. Is there any, anything that you have on your heart that you didn’t get a chance to say that you might wanna share before I have you tell the listener where to connect with you?
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:38:35 – 00:39:46
You know, I I think we really covered it. And again, just leaving, I know there are listeners, and and we’ve certainly prayed over this program. There are listeners because we’re all broken people who could just be at the end of themselves, who life just weighs too much. And I would just encourage them because I have been there and and and my heart, my really my mission is to reach out for people in dark places and desert experiences. I would just pray that those precious people who right now are in a really grief stricken, fragile place is to trust God. And one last thing is don’t forget to remember all that God has done for them in the past, for you in the past. Don’t forget to remember all that God has done for you in the past, and He will do it again and again and again. There are two accidents I had in my life that I could have literally been killed or maimed easily, but God, in his outrageous grace, protected me.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:39:46 – 00:40:13
We just have to remember that that God, what he has done in the past, and again, we might still be we might be breathing, but we might have some some bumps and bruises and some wounds, but the fact that we’re standing is testimony to the goodness of God, so I would just encourage anyone who’s in a bad place to trust God, and when they are just at a point where they’re just teetering on their faith, remember what God has done for them in the past, and that God never changes.
Doris Swift00:40:13 – 00:40:13
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:40:13 – 00:40:16
He never forsakes you. He will do it again and again and again.
Doris Swift00:40:16 – 00:40:36
Amen. Thank you so much, Cindy. I would love if you would share, how can the listener connect with you and find this amazing book? Again, your book is Restored Reconnecting Life’s Broken Pieces. And anything else that you might have, on your site that would be of help to them, any resources that you have?
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:40:36 – 00:41:28
Well, thank you. Thank you so much, Doris. Yes. Restored website is brinker simmons.com. Brinker, brinker, simmons, simmons.com. So I have a website that that just further introduces you to the depth and breadth of the message of restored endorsements and just just I just thoughts that just quotes from the book that could be a real source of encouragement to your listeners. And also, in it at the back of every chapter, at the end of every chapter are practical applications, to to apply it, whether it’s about perseverance or restoring joy or restoring momentum. There are 7 chapters that that have at the end of every chapter summary statements, a big thought question, and then applications, because I wanna get people real life solutions.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:41:28 – 00:41:43
And also, you may follow me on social media at cindybrinker simmons.author. It’s it’sbrinker simmons.com is the website, but cindybrinker simmons.author is the Facebook and all social media. Thank you. Thank you
Doris Swift00:41:43 – 00:41:57
for asking. Yes. Thank you, and I will put those links in the show notes so the listener can connect with you and find your book and all the things that you mentioned. And, yeah, this has just been a joy to have you on the show.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:41:57 – 00:42:00
Uh-huh. And My joy. My joy.
Doris Swift00:42:00 – 00:42:03
I’ll have to have you back on. I just will.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:42:03 – 00:42:10
I would love that. I would love. Thank you, Doris. And just praying over your your sweet listeners. Thank you, Doris.
Doris Swift00:42:10 – 00:42:29
Thank you so much. And if you’re listening today, we wanna invite you to check out the show notes and connect with Cindy, connect with me because god loves you. And this has been an encouraging message, and I’m sure that it encouraged your heart today. So friends, take care, and we will talk soon.
Cindy Brinker Simmons00:42:29 – 00:42:30
01:53 – 42:31
Thank you.