Does Church Make You Cringe?

Do you know people who cringe just hearing the word church? Maybe it’s a friend, a family member. Or maybe it’s you. Because for many, the church has been a source of hurt; all those hurt feelings, the pain of church splits, a place filled with cliches and...

Life Can Feel Crowded

We have good intentions, don’t we? Connect with God, write that book, call a friend. We may even begin, yet distractions left and right keep getting in the way. When God is  trying to reach us, trying to teach us, it seems life gets louder and our connection...

Who Will You Invite?

I think we might be spoiled. Flowing water from faucets, lights by flipping a switch. I don’t like to admit I take things for granted, but honestly, I kind of do. It’s not that I’m not thankful, it’s just that blessings I routinely receive can...

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