by Doris Swift | Feb 21, 2015 | anxiety, encourage, encouragement, Prayer, worry
“I don’t care anymore, do what you want. I’m done worrying about it. I’m done.” She clicked the disconnect button on the cell, missing those old phones you could slam down hard on the cradle. Somehow a finger tap wasn’t enough. Raw...
by Doris Swift | Nov 21, 2014 | chosen, christian living, notice
This is my second time participating in Five Minute Friday. So what’s the deal? The deal is, Kate Motaung gives a one-word prompt on her blog, and you take that word and write on it for five minutes straight. No editing, no grammar concerns, no writing rules to...
by Doris Swift | Nov 5, 2014 | anxiety, burdens, christian living, encourage, hope
Have you felt discouraged lately? Hanging on like an Autumn leaf, fearing the slightest breeze could send you plummeting? Guess what? You’re not alone. This word discouraged. Seems it’s been a common thread running through conversations over the last...
by Doris Swift | Oct 24, 2014 | anxiety, burdens, cares, christian living, encouragement, financial issues, God, hope, Joy, surrender
What thoughts deluge your mind in the quiet of night and stillness of morning? For years, my daily routine brought stress and anxiety. I’d stay up late, hoping exhaustion would override the to-do, didn’t-do, should’ve done lists waiting to flood my...
by Doris Swift | Oct 19, 2014 | called, Change, christian living, emerge, encouragement, gospel, truth, Uncategorized
“Be angry, and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath,” Ephesians 4:26 Are things that tend to make us angry all about us? People cutting in front of us in line, the conspiracy train schedule making us late, grocery store out of the one item you...