by Doris Swift | Jul 16, 2014 | christian living, encouragement, family, rest, Uncategorized
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by Doris Swift | Jul 11, 2014 | Belong, christian living, Five Minute Friday, Home, Jesus, Writing
This is my first time participating in Five Minute Friday. I’ve read many Friday posts on my friend Julie’s blog, and today, I decided to join the party! So what’s the deal? The deal is, Lisa-Jo Baker gives a one-word prompt on her blog, and you take...
by Doris Swift | Jul 9, 2014 | christian living, encouragement, faith, goals, God, lost
Have you ever been on-fire-determined to accomplish a goal, then mid-way through the process, you not only dropped the ball, you couldn’t even find it? Me too. , This drop-the-ball thing for me is exercise. I have an elliptical...
by Doris Swift | Jun 28, 2014 | christian living, encouragement, faith, God, hope
What do you think of when you hear the word “mountains”? A massive elevation, the appearance of which seems to kiss the sky; solid rock; ranges across the horizon? Who or what could move them? I love mountains. Brian and I honeymooned in Helen, GA. ...
by Doris Swift | Jun 21, 2014 | Change, christian living, encouragement, fear, God, lost, relationships, trust
We were out of milk. We were out of bread. A short window of time and a decision to make, I had two options: hit the closest grocery store where I shop less often, or drive farther down the road where I could shop with my eyes closed. Surely the advantage of knowing...