Who Will You Invite?

I think we might be spoiled. Flowing water from faucets, lights by flipping a switch. I don’t like to admit I take things for granted, but honestly, I kind of do. It’s not that I’m not thankful, it’s just that blessings I routinely receive can...

Choosing a Circle of Friends?

Choices. We make them every day, even when we don’t realize we are choosing. Growing up, I hovered between circles of friends. It may sound amazing, being friends with everyone, but instead it proved challenging. The challenge? These circles didn’t...

Are We In?

Time. We say it moves too fast, we say it moves too slow. At times we want to rush God, don’t we? We want to rush answers to prayers, and agendas, and plans. We may feel nothing is happening, and our works are fruitless, and our prayers are bouncing off the sky....

How Productive is our Waiting?

Seems the world is all about hurry up and wait. We wait in traffic, at doctors’ offices, in check-out lines. Is there such a thing as productive and unproductive waiting? We’ve all heard the saying “it doesn’t happen overnight,” the it...

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